SEO and Digital Transformation Strategy for Be a Better Public Speaker





Have you ever looked at the results when you type your name into a search engine? If you need more time, kindly do so anonymously before deciding whether or not you are satisfied with what you see. When developing your brand, it is crucial to pay attention to the details and links that display on the first page of Google after entering your name. It’s worthwhile to ensure they see the most significant, up-to-date, and professional information about you because many people search for you through this method.

Suppose you are a speaker trying to figure out where this essay is for you to begin with SEO. We have included all the crucial data and advice that will aid you in enhancing your SEO.

Personal SEO is applied to the results when you type your name into Google or another search engine. It’s a procedure that significantly affects the development of your internet presence and personal brand. An effective personal SEO strategy may increase your search engine visibility and guarantee that people find pertinent information about you. Whether you’re a doctor, rock star, company owner, or public speaker, you need to take care of this aspect of your online life to reap real professional rewards like attracting new customers, admirers, followers, or business partners.

Do you still need to decide whether or not personal SEO is worthwhile for you as a speaker? Speaking engagements should be concerned with search engine exposure for the following reasons:

  • Increase your online visibility — Ensure that your audience, business partners, and future clients can access all pertinent information about you.
  • Confirm your credibility and authority — Some audience members may not be familiar with you. They’ll likely start by typing your name into a search engine to look for information on you. If they discover trustworthy and favourable material there, it will attest to your authority and professionalism.
  • Build new relationships — A robust online presence gives you a chance to build new relationships since it makes it easier for people to learn more about you and gives them your contact information. Additionally, people will be more inclined to form relationships with you when your profile appears at the top of search results.

How Does Google Search Work?

The three fundamental processes that search engines like Google follow are as follows:

  • Crawling: The source code of the pages discovered after scanning the Internet for pages and content.
  • Indexing: Storing, classifying, and presenting the web pages and material the search engine has indexed. Therefore, a page will appear in the search results if it is listed in the index.
  • Ranking: The robot must evaluate all potential responses and choose the best ones to provide the user with the best response to their question. The SERPs will feature the top results. 

There is often information accessible regarding SEO for Google and how search engines operate. Several worthwhile SEO courses are available nowadays, including SEO Academy by SE Ranking and SEO Certification Course by HubSpot. They define all the key terminology and show you how to increase your brand’s online presence for both business SEO and personal SEO. Without a prior understanding of search engine algorithms, these courses enable anybody to comprehend and independently manage their SEO.

How to Get More People to Find You on Google?

You now understand why personal SEO is crucial for developing a personal brand. So let’s move on to advice that will help you raise your exposure and produce content relevant to user intent if you want to learn how to optimise SEO on Google.

1. Make a Personal Website

Developing your website should be the first step in enhancing your SEO. You should include all the crucial details for the audience or business partners on your website. You should follow these measures to make sure your website is properly optimised for SEO:

Get your domain name based on your name and last name registered. The greatest option for a personal website includes your name in the domain name, where your website and SEO begin. If your name is John Smith, the perfect domain for you would be,, or something like that. Additionally, you should include something that sets you apart from the other John Smiths out there, like john-smith-speaker.

Make your website’s bio search engine-friendly: To make your website the primary source of information about you, be sure to convey your knowledge and abilities there concisely. Use keywords your audience could look for associated with your area of expertise to do this effectively. To achieve this, you will need a rudimentary understanding of SEO. Your headers, meta title, and meta description should contain the most important keywords that internet users may locate. You may use pre-made SEO plugins like YoastSEO to help you optimise your website for search engines if it runs on WordPress or a comparable platform.

A decent alternative to adding your bio on the homepage is to make an “About” page where you thoroughly outline your professional background. Additionally, if your website features a blog, remember to set up an author page so that a section with your profile accompanies each blog post you write. Another great area is to add a few sentences about yourself and establish authority.

Inserting schema markup The code you add to your website, called schema markup, enables search engines to provide consumers with as much information as possible in the search results. Its fundamental objective is to make it easier for search engines to discover all pertinent information swiftly. You may add schema tags to your bio on, including given Name, Family Name, affiliation, alums Of, award, brand, colleague, ContactPoint, email, credential, EducationalOccupationalCredential, Occupation, knows, memberOf, and many others.

Although there is no assurance adding these tags would cause the search engine to display rich snippets, it is worthwhile to do so and evaluate the results.

You may outsource your SEO optimisation if it all seems too hard or you lack the time. Many full-service digital marketing companies, like, offer speaker-specific SEO.

Fill Out and Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile

The next action is to improve your LinkedIn profile. Why are we discussing this platform now? First of all, Linkedin has a good Google ranking. Additionally, it is a great way for others to locate you on the LinkedIn network. You must correctly complete your profile for it to score well. Add your synopsis (at least 250 words), a headline, and a rundown of your professional background first. Additionally, make sure that your name appears in the profile URL. Thanks to this, your profile will be easier to locate and appear higher in search results.

Include any pertinent files and links you wish to emphasise in the next stage. For instance, they could include URLs to recordings of your lectures or presentations. When introducing yourself as a speaker, it’s good to mention the conferences you’ve attended and any forthcoming events you’ll be attending. Add your LinkedIn URL to your website if you’ve previously built one, following the instructions in step 1.

Claim Your Knowledge Panel

When a user searches for things that are available in the Knowledge Graph, Google will provide knowledge panels, which are automatically created boxes. Check that the knowledge panel is displayed when you perform a name search. If so, congratulations! If the “Claim your knowledge panel” option appears, choose it and enter the required details, including any links to your social network profiles. Why is this such a big deal? The completion of a knowledge panel improves your internet reputation. Additionally, it will allow users to locate your crucial information swiftly.

Reach out to Third-party Websites

Adding connections to your website on other websites is the next stage in developing your SEO. How do you go about that? When someone mentions your name online, make sure they connect to your site. Ask them to connect to your website, for instance, if you’re giving a speech at an event and the organisers post information about you to their website. These backlinks can benefit your site’s rankings by boosting your domain authority. Don’t use your social media profiles as links; send people to your website. You can only increase your SEO with links pointing to your website.

Additionally, it is sensible to be referenced on other websites if you want to be found on Google. This may include interviews, special podcast guests, bios on event sites, and more. This material on external websites is excellent since it frequently includes your name in the headline or body text on those websites. Google users may find these resources and see how knowledgeable you are.

Join Speaker/Event Matching Sites

You should consider becoming a member of a community of speakers and event coordinators if you want to become well-known. These websites gather crucial data about speakers and future events, connecting event planners with suitable speakers for their events and vice versa. They have a high domain authority and are SEO-friendly. When you sign up for an account on a website like SpeakerHub, your name appears immediately in your profile URL, making it simpler for search engines to identify you. Additionally, you may include a link to your website there, which, as we just discussed, benefits SEO.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting as a speaker, your internet reputation is crucial to your career. You may boost the number of fascinating speaking engagements you secure, create new alliances, and assist your audience in finding crucial details about you and your issue by focusing on your SEO.


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