SEO and Digital Transformation Strategy for Bed Bugs





Where did people turn for assistance in 1995 when they discovered termites or rodents in their homes? You were listed in this extremely honest and open game if you had a phone. The majority of pest treatment businesses depended on standard listing. However, you could pay more and receive an advertisement. The creation of pest control leads was simple back then because there were only 1-3 businesses around. I’m done now. The diversity is greater than x10 now. So, where does your prospective customer go these days when the first indication of a roach attack pops up?

Incredible 823K searches each month. With almost 110 million results from an estimated 20K pest control providers in the US, the competition for each click is fierce. Furthermore, it pays to plan your marketing budget wisely, considering the high cost of purchased clicks (the search phrase “pest control” costs $21.50 per hit). Ok. We now know that generating pest control leads is a zero-sum game. But how do you achieve success? By following these 3 suggestions, you’ll improve your company’s chances of winning:

Know What People Search for When They Need Pest Control

You could assume that when someone needs pest management, they will look up “pest control” as their first search term. Right? Wrong. It turns out that neither the most popular nor the cheapest keyword in the sector in terms of cost per click (CPC) is pest control:

Make independent research. Run keyword searches using web resources like Ubersuggest or SEMRush. Examine the search volume, contrast it with the typical CPC, and make your judgements. But more than simply being aware of what people are looking for is required. Knowing when pays off as well.

Throughout America, pests like bed bugs, ants, fire ants, mosquitoes, and bees/wasps generally enter houses in the spring and summer, so it’s not unexpected that searches increase around this time. In the previous five years, searches for “pest control” and “bed bugs” peaked in June/July, when there were 2-2.5 times as many as during the low season in December–February:

With 4-5 times as many searches as in December, the keyword “termites” often reaches its peak in May. Given these figures, preparing your major summer campaign over the prolonged winter hiatus makes sense.

Know What’s Important to People Who Seek a Pest Control Service

Brand familiarity is fading, as we’ve stated on this site several times. Before making a purchase, your potential consumer analyses brands and types in non-branded search phrases. This applies to most consumer businesses, but pest control in particular. In the previous year, non-branded searches for terms like “best pest control” and “bed bug exterminators” have increased by 20%, whereas branded searches for terms like “Terminix near me” and “Orkin pest control” have only increased by 4%.

Similar to customers in other markets, those looking for pest control services research service comparisons and reviews to determine which provider is:

  • The cheapest
  • The quickest
  • The closest to their resident

Users also place a premium on what comparison services and other customers recommend because there needs to be more brand awareness than website builders, where 3 businesses (Wix, Shopify, and Squarespace) dominate the industry. Finally, there is an increased demand for non-toxic, eco-friendly pest control services. Here’s an illustration:

The search volumes for “eco pest control” are regularly 1.2–1.5 times higher than those for “budget pest control.” Therefore, it only makes sense to highlight your company’s environmentally conscious strategy in your PPC advertisements and website text. It’s time to change if you continue to employ antiquated pest control tools and methods.

This impacts pest control businesses since customers will no longer pick up the phone when they see a cockroach and immediately call you. Instead, prospective customers start a flurry of Google searches where they discover they require a pest control company’s services. They rapidly focus their search on a few intriguing companies. Following their study of the various pest control techniques, they take a step back and widen their search to include eco-friendly services. Finally, your prospective customer decides after taking everything into account.

By providing educational information, comparisons, reviews, and a clear call to action, “request a quotation,” to close the transaction, you may boost the number of pest control leads you to generate. How? By using the third tip:

Build A Marketing Funnel That Reacts To The Three Intent Signals 

A marketing funnel that attracts more consumers is simple to develop if you understand what users want and how they seek it. Putting user questions into the three categories of informative, navigational, and transactional is a helpful shortcut for comprehending them. As the name implies, an informative inquiry is a search for information. Simple strings like “bed bugs remedy” or more sophisticated ones like “how to get rid of a wasp’s nest” can be used in these queries. Informational searches show that users want more details about a topic before determining how to manage it or who to contact for their services. 

Only some people searching for pest control information are interested in your services. However, you shouldn’t completely disregard these folks. It is effective to offer them helpful material to get their attention and have them come to you when they are ready to make a choice.

Here are 3 strategies to increase your pest control lead creation and increase the conversion of information seekers:

  • Publish educational material pages on your business website.
  • Create PPC advertising using specific keywords.
  • To improve SEO authority, provide hyperlinks to informative websites.

Searching for a specific pest control business, such as “Orkin Atlanta” or “Ehrlich website,” is a maritime inquiry. The greatest thing you can do if a person searches for your company is to take the top spot on the search engine results page for your company’s name and provide quality material that emphasizes your brand. 

Here are four things you may do when a buyer seeks your website:

  • Run PPC advertisements using your brand.
  • Create specific landing pages.
  • Invest in keywords even if you already rank for them naturally (because paid ads appear above organic results).
  • To improve user involvement with your company, create ad extensions.

A transactional inquiry (such as “pest control near me” or “top exterminators 2019”) indicates that the consumer has determined they need to employ an exterminator but hasn’t yet located the proper brand. The main money is in this area. Low brand consideration but strong purchasing intent characterize this kind of question. Users frequently turn to other resources, such as listicles, comparison websites, and online reviews, to aid their decision-making. You must be there while they are comparing service providers.

Now, Use These 3 Suggestions Into A Potent Pest Control Marketing Plan

Most individuals wait until they are in need before looking for pest control. The tragic discovery of a bed bug under the pillow, wasps in the electrical outlet, or another insect in the kitchen marks the beginning of the average user’s trip. They get into Google right away and start typing a search term. You must be there, arrive first, and offer the necessary content to convert them. People want to compare suppliers to removing unwanted home guests—it’s our nature. The business with the most listings across the most websites will have a larger market share.


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