SEO and Digital Transformation Strategy for Homesteading





We first introduced you to our Full-Service package a few weeks ago. A website that is well-designed and optimized for search engines. Although it’s a fantastic service, what if you had previously built a stunning website? No issue. Making sure that visitors can discover your website through search engines requires the use of SEO or search engine optimization. Nowadays, as more and more people turn to the internet to find local goods and services, your website must be accessible to your potential clients.

SEO uses best practices recommended by search engines and conducting keyword research to make your website more visible to internet users. Your chances of getting traffic and visits to your website increase with how high your website ranks in the search results. The following advice will help ensure that your website has the highest chance of being found online.

Choose the right keywords

Knowing how customers find your company can help you decide what to concentrate on internally and publicly on your website. You may get information on the most searched-for phrases and an estimate of the amount of traffic your website would receive if it were to get to the top page of Google by using several excellent tools, such as Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs. Even if there are other variables to consider, such as the keyword’s level of competition, this is a fantastic place to start in getting to know your target market.

Make your site relevant for keywords

The next step is to include those terms in your website once you’ve decided on the ones you want to target. Google and other search engines examine everything to decide how to rank you. Some areas where your keyword can be used are:

  • Content – The simplest technique to get search engines to find keywords for your website is to write about your services or products. Google will consider you to be more relevant if you can write more. Make sure your material is simple to read while concentrating on the keywords you want to rank for. This might indicate that you need to add a few more pages to your website to cover your goods and services. Don’t simply put keywords onto your pages, either. For a positive visitor experience, search engines want to ensure that your material is legible. They can punish you for trying to game the system because they know it.
  • Meta Data – The backend of your website has areas where you may insert keywords. It would help if you concentrated on some relevant keywords in the Page Titles of your website page. Verify that the keywords relate to that page. For instance, if you want to rank for “Plumber Phoenix,” optimize that term on a website on plumbing or services. You will have a greater chance of ranking for that particular page if those keywords appear in the page title and content.

Start Building trust

The final stage is creating backlinks to your website after it is relevant to the keywords you wish to target. A backlink is created when another website online posts a link to yours on their page. Your website will rank better for the keywords you wish to target the more you can create and the more confidence a search engine will have in your site. There are several places to build backlinks:

  • Directories – Look for directories in your sector.
  • Articles Sites – Writing articles about your sector can not only help you become an authority in your business, but it will also help you establish credibility, improving your rankings.
  • Building an audience on social networks like Facebook is a terrific method to promote your business and create backlinks to your website every time you publish a post.

You may submit your website to thousands of websites to obtain backlinks to your website. Although it might take some time, doing this is necessary if you want to rank higher than your rivals. Make sure to continue looking for high-quality websites to submit your website to. It would help if you kept developing trust each month until you started seeing benefits.


Our team of pros is available if you prefer that they raise your web rankings. Work with a committed marketing manager who will assist you in increasing website traffic. This procedure entails the following:

  • Initial welcome call to discuss your company’s goals and the characteristics of your potential client.
  • Conduct keyword research to find out what people use to locate you on search engines.
  • Incorporating the appropriate key phrases and keywords into your website
    • Page Titles and Meta Descriptions
    • H1 Tags
    • Content Density
  • Monthly backlinking to begin improving the rankings of your website 

To bring you to the top of the search engines, we must keep improving your website and establishing trust. SEO is a continuous process. To know where you stand, your professional marketing manager will work directly with you throughout the process and even go over monthly progress. You will be given access to a marketing site where you can check your traffic and rankings anytime.

Let us assist you in getting to where you need to go and remove the guesswork from expanding your internet business. In your field, you are an authority. Let us be the professionals at directing people to you.


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Our AI-SEO technology is Patent protected with Patent Filing Number: 202131021713

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