SEO Strategy And Digital Transformation Strategy For Beercations





Whether you’re starting a new beercation business or trying to improve your current one, search engine optimization (SEO) and digital transformation strategy for beercations is an important element that can help get you more customers and keep them coming back. By utilizing this type of online marketing, your business will benefit from the algorithms search engines use to determine rankings and search results. To learn how to optimize your beercation business for search engines, check out these seven tips below of our digital growth strategy for beercations.

Keyword Research with Keyword Planner

In order to get your beercation business found on search engines, you need to do some keyword research first. The website, Keyword Planner, is a great place to start. Enter some keywords that people might use when looking for things like beercations or beer tourism. You can also use Google Adwords Keyword Tool. This will give you a list of more specific keywords that may have yet to appear on the other website.

Now that you have the full keyword list, it’s time to set your goals and objectives. You should define what you are trying to achieve with this campaign. Are you trying to increase brand awareness? Get more site traffic? Increase customer conversions? Or all of the above? After setting your goals and objectives, write them down to remember what they were. Once you’ve done this, it’s time to look at your website from the perspective of someone who needs to learn about your company or what it does. What words would they type into Google or Bing to find something like yours? Add these words as additional keywords in Keyword Planner so that you’re targeting long-tail phrases and head terms which means higher competition.

To ensure that the work put into optimizing the website pays off by bringing in more customers, create an account with Google Analytics (or another analytics program) and track how many people come from searches done via these new keywords.

SEO Best Practices

  • Use keywords: Keywords are the words we type into search engines to find what we are looking for. When you create content, use relevant keywords to find it by those searching for similar information. If your business is an eatery, try adding popular food terms like burrito or sushi. If you’re a brewery, include words like beer, hops, or pour. If your business has a blog, include common topics such as travel destinations, beer reviews, and food pairings.
  • Share your content on popular social media: Social media sites like Facebook allow businesses to share their posts with their followers and friends to reach a wider audience than just their email subscribers. Many people use social media apps such as Twitter and Instagram to learn about new products, deals, events, and more. Utilize these networks to your advantage! For example, if you have a monthly event at your brewery or restaurant, post about it on Facebook at least once per day leading up to the event date to attract new customers.
  • Have clear call-to-actions (CTAs) placed strategically throughout your website? Include something like Find us on Facebook or call us at 000-0000-000 in a few places, but don’t overdo it – this might be spammy. You can also place CTAs prominently on pages with less valuable content, where readers might not want to spend too much time reading before seeing some CTA. Including CTAs at the bottom of each page ensures that readers who want more information will get them.

Mobile SEO Best Practices

In this post, we’ll walk you through the best practices for optimizing your beercation business website and app content to rank higher in search engines.

  1. Use a descriptive title
  2. Include keywords and long tail phrases in the meta tags
  3. Add tags to your website or app content
  4. Add relevant images to your website or app content 5. Create a user-friendly navigation system

Creating Fresh Content

  1. Update your blog regularly with new content. 
  2. Use keywords in your blog post titles and throughout the content of your blog posts for better SERP ranking.
  3. Create a sitemap to make it easy for crawlers to index your website’s pages and links (you can use Google Webmaster Tools, which is free).
  4. Choose a good keyword that relates to your business and place it in the title of each page on your site (putting a different keyword in the title of each page also helps with SEO). 
  5. Keep your web design simple and uncluttered so that search engine spiders can easily read the text on each page without getting distracted by images or flashy ads.

Link Building

  1. Get your name on Google Maps. If you have a physical location, put your name and address on Google Maps. This will help local searchers find you when they’re looking for places nearby to visit. Ensure the information is accurate and can be found in the search results. For example, if you are located at 123 Main Street, enter 123 Main St as the street address. 
  2. Create an account with Bing Places for Business. You can create an account with Bing Places for Business to add your business information, including contact information and website URL, to their online directory of local businesses that people can search through when they need things near them or want more information about a certain area. 
  3. You can also use Schema markup to help search engines understand your site. Schema markup is HTML code that helps search engines understand what your site’s content is all about. Schema helps make it easier for web admins to get higher rankings in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) by clarifying how the page’s content should be grouped and displayed. The most common schema types are review, movie, place, and article. To use schema markup properly, first write out what type of content you plan on publishing on your site, then look up its corresponding schema code and use that as a guide.

Local SEO Best Practices

Local SEO is a powerful channel to reach new customers. Here are 7 tips to help your beercation business rank high in local search results.

  1. Create and maintain a Google My Business page that accurately reflects your business information, location, contact information, hours of operation, and photos of the brewery space or events you host. List your site’s address and phone number on the page so users can call or visit if they have any questions. Remember to add photos, as this will help people find you when they search for breweries in their area!
  1. Add structured data markup to your website’s pages with Google’s free Structured Data Markup Helper tool. This will help potential customers find you when searching for breweries near them! 3. Use Schema markup on your website’s blog posts to give Google detailed descriptions of the content in each post so that it shows up more prominently in search engine results. Use keywords relevant to your industry/business type/location within the title and body text (but don’t go overboard – keep it natural!). For example, ABC Beercation Guide: Why You Need One – The best way to enjoy an ABC beercation is by visiting one of our three tasting rooms at our Chico, Mills River or Asheville locations.

Hiring an Expert

If you are serious about ranking your business on search engines, you need to hire an SEO expert like ThatWare. We know the best ways to get your site listed where it should be, and we will make sure that your site is perfectly optimized. We increase the chances by 100% to show your business when people are searching online for what you have to offer.

However, only some SEO companies are created equally, but our services for business growth strategy for beercations. Many companies claim to be SEO experts when they need to learn what they’re doing. The best way to find a good company is by word-of-mouth or through a reference from someone else in the industry who you trust and whose opinion you value.


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