Seo Strategy and Digital Transformation Strategy for Sleeping Bags





Our ultimate goal is to convert traffic into conversions, but is your site stagnating despite your best efforts? Sure, you may have all the textbook strategies in place, integrating applications, subscriptions, site registrations with member discounts, etc., but there is more to it than ‘If you build it they will come.’ If you want to increase your conversions, you need to do more than just put products on Google; you need to focus on building a growth-focused sales funnel.

SEO methods to boost the effectiveness of your funnel

SEO professionals use the following SEO methods and tactics:

  • Awareness
  • Create a content strategy
  • Improve the optimisation of existing pages
  • Create attractive snippets
  • Track Core Web Vitals
  • Optimise images
  • Analyse the behaviour of website visitors
  • Track website conversions

Let’s go over each step one by one.


Google records all search engine requests made by users. Query statistics will assist you in determining which phrases your target audience searches for, taking into account various factors such as geographical region, your personal search history, and other habits monitored by the search engine.

How can I obtain query statistics?

The Keyword Planner tool is one way to view Google’s query statistics. It is a feature of the Google Ads service. To use the planner, sign in to Google Ads via Gmail and create an account. Keyword Planner can autocomplete search bar options and then systematically replicate them.

Are you targeting a specific geographic area or purpose with your offers? The intent of a query is the user’s intention or purpose behind their query to a search engine, such as ordering a specific service in their city or purchasing a product from a specific brand. When keywords on a website match potential customers’ intent, high-quality traffic and conversions are generated.

  • Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and inquire,
  • What problem are my customers attempting to solve with their search?
  • How do our products provide a solution?

Create a content strategy

The right kind of content, depending on the niche and audience needs, will help generate user interest. This can include reviews, instructions, breaking news, and other articles. It is worthwhile to create an article section or blog in addition to texts for landing and sales pages (homepage, categories, product and service descriptions). Useful texts with the right keywords will attract enthusiasts in your niche, resulting in site conversions.

We frequently become so engrossed in the technical aspects of our SEO activities that we need to catch up on our ultimate goal of increasing traffic. Whether you hire content writers or do it yourself, always take a step back and read through the eyes of prospective customers who may be unfamiliar with your offerings. As an inexperienced browser, consider the following: Is your website visually appealing? Will it provide answers to my questions? Will it supply me with the products I require?

We can then focus on having the technical requirements mould into the audience’s needs once we have the scope of the reader’s perspective.

Improve the optimisation of existing pages

SEO is an ever-changing process, as experience has shown. Even considering trends from a few years ago. From ice bucket challenges, Pokemon Go, and Justin Bieber, we can see that staying on top of the SERP is a never-ending process. Landing page improvement and updating are essential for maintaining high organic search rankings and directing customers to your conversion funnel. When developing SEO strategies for key pages, it is highly recommended that you run an analysis regularly to ensure that your original strategy is still relevant to current trends. Make sure to replace dated content with something new that readers will be interested in.

Create attractive snippets

People click with their eyes, and the appearance of a page in a search engine results page determines its clickability. Create informative and appealing snippets to help boost organic CTR. Let’s look at what elements you should include in your SEO strategy to improve the performance of your pages in SERPs.

  •  Creating a Title and a Description

Anyone who has worked on naming a brand or project is familiar with the never-ending search for the perfect name that sounds interesting and describes a product.

Presentation is everything, especially in SEO, but we’re fortunate because the goal here is to be as informative and concise as possible.

  • How do you create the best title and description for your site’s snippet?

First and foremost, the title and description must be distinct. It is also critical to maintaining the optimal length when filling them out. There are no hard and fast rules regarding the number of words, but remember that a title of 60-70 characters and a description of 160-180 characters will generally fit on a SERP. Add call-to-action phrases, structural elements, and emojis to your snippets to boost CTR.

Track Core Web Vitals

When we look at the changes Google made to its ranking algorithms in 2021, we can see that they began taking Core Web Vitals into account.

  • What precisely are Core Web Vitals?

They govern how quickly and accurately page content is displayed. Here are a few elements that Google mentions.

The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric indicates how quickly large elements are rendered. The First Input Delay (FID) is the time between clicking on a URL in search results and the browser displaying the page. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) measures how page elements shift as they load. When it comes to the design of your landing pages, the general rule is to think lean. This is best accomplished by minimising Javascript, compressing image files, using thumbnails whenever possible, and rewriting any spaghetti code. The Core Web Vitals can be found in Google Search Console (if you verify your rights to the site) and other SEO services.

Optimise images

You may believe that graphics and videos are important in moving products, which is correct. But suppose you’re on a site with exactly what you’re looking for. Still, the page takes forever to load, so you click back and choose the next option on the SERP, rendering all those images and video presentations ineffective. To avoid this, use special tools to analyse image size and find and optimise large files. Analyse the behaviour of website visitors. Users will only abandon a website if it displays properly, the content fits on the screen, or it loads slowly. Not to mention, Google favours mobile-friendly sites. To keep your site at the top, evaluate and improve the quality of your website’s adaptability for smartphones.

Consider the presence of a viewport tag responsible for displaying on different screen sizes, the text-to-HTML ratio, which affects speed, and other factors.

Track website conversions

Creating some benchmarks for yourself is a great way to generate a site report card to compare expected vs. actual results and will provide you with a starting point to measure the success of your efforts.

Setting up Goals in Google Analytics to define the desired actions of site visitors is one way to track conversions. As the goal, you can, for example, specify the URL of the landing page, the expected duration of content viewing, and the action (filling out a form or subscribing to a newsletter). As a result, the system will log all the specified user actions, providing you with more detailed and informative statistics.

Conversion tracking allows you to analyse the traffic-to-target-action ratio and which keywords are most effective for your website. You should pay more attention to them by increasing optimisation and tracking their rankings in search results with a rank tracker such as


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